Membership Info

Kansas Museum of Military History Membership Information

The Museum Needs You!
If you believe in the preservation of aviation and military history for future generations, then you can make a difference. Support KMMH by:
* Financial Support – join the museum, ask family, friends and coworkers to join up.
* Volunteer your Time – become a volunteer at the museum. There are jobs of all types and descriptions
that need to be accomplished.
* Acquisition Support – become a scout for the museum. When you see an aviation or military artifact, talk to the owner and let the museum know where and who to contact.

The Museum ‘s Future does Depend upon You!
KMMH will continue to obtain and preserve aviation and military history for future generations. The veterans of many wars have already passed into history. In the next 20 years the veterans of World War Two and Korea will be answering the final roll call.
It is a shame to hear that an aviation or military artifact has been thrown in the trash or been sold at a garage sale. Also, the artifacts stored in a closet, the basement or the garage where no one can see them until it is too late of the Museum to obtain them.
The acquisition and preservation of aviation and military history does not come cheap! KMMH’s annual budget in the past has been $5,000. $2,500 of that goes to pay the utility bills. So you see we have little financial support to continue operations and accomplish our mission.
We need your support NOW!

If you want to become a member please click of the membership application link below, print a copy of the application, fill it out, and mail with check to:

Kansas Museum of Military History
ATT: Membership App
135 S. Highway 77
Augusta, KS 67010

Membership Application
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